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Friday, June 25, 2010

Fans may not know much about the real Michael Jackson, but he gave us many cultural moments, things that are iconic to him and will be for decades to come, including this Swarovski crystal glove he wore on his Victory Tour.

“In Michael’s lifetime he was extremely controversial and a lot of people dismissed him as weird and questioned his relationship with children, and in a sad way his death was redemptive,” said Boteach. “I think people began to understand the whole tragedy of his life. In America poverty as tragic, child abuse as tragic, but fame and money is a blessing. But to Michael it never was. Those were not the things that he wanted. What we all seemed to have, that he lacked, was a normal life.” 

“Michael searched for love, he ultimately settled for attention. All the things you describe — the large fan base, being at the top of the charts — that’s not about love, that’s about attention,” said Boteach. “Michael felt the pressure to keep on doing, and that’s ultimately what wore him out and made him so lifeless and lethargic. He didn’t have any more that he could give.”

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